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Performance and Analytics

Reporting on the performance of our campaigns is essential for strategy. This data provides Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) such as growth, revenue and reach, all important factors dictating the success of a marketing campaign. We are able to monitor these metrics to understand what works and why.

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Monthly Reporting

At the end of each month following a campaign, we compile the performance of all social platforms managed, highlighting key data points. This data showcases the effectiveness of the months campaign.

Reach and Impressions

Reach and impressions are two factors which indicate the effectiveness of organic marketing. High reach indicates the content is being pushed out to audiences through the algorithm, more people are exposed to the content.

Ad reports

We track the metrics of each ad campaign to discover what is performing best. We use this as discovered data, uncovering facts about your audience, their habits and the best strategy to reach your ideal customer online.

The importance of data

We are Data-Driven, it's what allows us to focus on delivering results to clients. Data is the metric of success in marketing and allows us to review performance, discover weaknesses and readjust strategies to approach a campaign with the best tools in our arsenal.

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